The Omedom team has a mission:

to assist property owners in the management of their real estate and family heritage.

The idea for Omedom was born from a concrete situation experienced by Coline Sinquin, the founder of Omedom.

Omedom established
properties managed
+ 0
in registered assets
+ 0 M€
0 K€

Once upon a time...

The story begins in 2019, a few days after a funeral.

Anne inherits her parents’ heritage: a chalet and a country house where she spent her vacations. However, today, Anne has to take over. Sorting through her parents’ papers turns out to be obscure: incomplete bank statements, precious information on property management, and upcoming renovations are gone.


What needs to be paid soon?

What are the upcoming deadlines?

On which property?

Will there be enough cash flow for roofing work?

To the pain of losing loved ones, add the stress of having to find everything, understand to anticipate the future of this inheritance.


Fortunately, Anne has her daughters, Marianne, Olivia, and Coline, who support her and take charge to assess the financial and administrative situation of each property.


They face the mountain of paperwork to sift through and the amount of numbers to integrate into a “homemade” spreadsheet.


“My mother was lost. So, with my sisters, we organized ourselves. Marianne reads the documents, Olivia organizes them, and I record the data in the spreadsheet.” – Coline


The family organizes, the daughters streamline, spending their days sorting, recording until, exhausted, a stack of paper falls to the floor. “The last straw.”


"But isn't there an existing solution?"

declares Coline

Our reliable values





Our team


Coline Sinquin


After creating a gourmet restaurant in the Caribbean and managing a hotel in Paris, Coline returns to her roots in Tarn, in 2019.


She creates Omedom in April 2021 to help her mother manage the family real estate.

“It’s an application by and for property owners, so I stay close to them. I discovered the world of real estate and PropTech, and my feminist side woke up,” explains Coline Sinquin.


Quickly, the observation is clear:

“23% of women executives in the real estate sector, 8% of women CEOs in Tech, 2% of women in fundraising, it’s not possible.”

Coline Sinquin builds her business every day with strong values.


Héloïse Medina

Chief Technology Officer

Management and Digital Project Management




Lou Vaillant

Communication Manager

Photography and Digital

Pop culture



Jérémie Lopez

Full Stack Developer

Web Development


La Grinta


Didier Pascarel

Full Stack Developer

Information Technology

Sciences & SF



Laure Soulier

Artificial Intelligence Consultant

Computer Science - Machine Learning



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